Views from the U: Behind the Blog

Given the current state of our world with COVID-19, I sincerely hope each of you are staying safe, getting to spend time or connect with loved ones, and most importantly taking care of yourselves. Sending you all love and positive energy during this difficult time. In a time that feels as though the world has stopped, let us continue to move forward. I hope we continue to come together even after this pandemic and I hope this new blog gives you something to look forward to. 

The idea behind Views from the U began in the summer of 2017, right before I began my first year of college. I told my older brother that I wanted to get to know students at my school in a different way, through learning about why they are the way that they are and where they hope to be in the future, through deep conversations. I wanted to know their perspectives on current issues and why they have that personal point of view. These thoughts came from my love of storytelling, having grown up acting, dancing, writing, and filmmaking. I used to make short films and vlogs every week on my giant iMac in my living room, writing my own poems, scripts and living in my own world, yet I was always too afraid to share them. I also reflected on my love of community and its importance. Since I was young, I have always been curious about people, wanting to know their background, how they arrived at where they are currently. With this curiosity, I have been able to better embrace solidarity and form connections with strangers. This got me thinking about how many people’s truths have not been told and how many voices are waiting to be heard. With this blog, I wanted to talk about stories and current topics from different points of views- creating a middle ground of gratitude and empathy, if you will. After brainstorming names back and forth for this blog, my brother came up with the name “Views from the U(niversity),” a play on words from Drake’s album “Views''- the original title being “Views from the 6.” I thought this was perfect. Now, as I am almost finished with my junior year of college…I didn’t exactly do this blog like I wanted to. But we aren’t giving up, there’s still time! Having to start a website for Digital Marketing this semester felt like the perfect opportunity to finally live out my dreams for this blog. 

In addition to the impactful stories I get to share and the connections I get to form, with the knowledge I gain from pursuing this blog, I hope to enter the digital and video marketing industry after college, eventually segwaying into the entertainment industry. I believe in continuing to develop more effective ways to create compelling content. With the continued rise of social media, video marketing is becoming even more powerful in engaging audiences of diverse demographics. I love how videos let an audience into your world, feeling almost though they are a part of it. In addition, although social media can at times be toxic and overwhelming, I believe it can also be used for good- a medium that allows people from all over the world to connect and share their voices.

I aspire to use different mediums, including photography and videography to portray the stories of the people I interview. In the future, I hope to interview students from different schools across the country and analyze how these stories and perspectives may differ from those at my own university, and where they may overlap. I’m excited to help others find strength in vulnerability through sharing authentic parts of themselves. I hope to form a community of people who stand together regardless of any differences. I’m looking forward to seeing how this little blog can move people towards action and change even in their own lives. Lastly, I will leave you with this quote from the great Toni Morrison, an inspiration to me, that has become a part of my heart and a part of this blog, “From my point of view, which is that of a storyteller, I see your life as something artful, waiting, just waiting and ready for you to make it art.” Thank you for being a part of this journey. 


Soul Series #1: Interview with Chelsea Dunleavy